Juan Ceballo Blanco


Juan Ceballo Blanco graduated in Marine Sciences from the University of Cadiz in 2021. He completed a MSc in Oceanography, specialising in Coastal Oceanography. His research on marine litter pollution started with the analysis of the contribution of microplastics in the Guadalquivir River. During his academic training, he has participated in several oceanographic campaigns and multiple scientific dissemination activities. He also worked as technologist in the Ecosistemas Litorales group of the Instituto de Hidráulica Ambiental de la Universidad de Cantabria (IHCantabria).

His PhD is being supported by the contract FPU-UCA from the “Plan Propio – UCA 2022-2023” of the University of Cádiz. His research interests focus on the assessment of macroplastic pollution and the harmonisation issue.